
Jillian Leedy
2 min readSep 23, 2015

Seeing the trees change into a kaleidoscope of colors. Hearing a crunch under-foot. Jumping into a pile of leaves with childlike abandon. The crackle of wood in bonfires and fireplaces. Pumpkin flavored breads and cinnamon-nutmeg muffins. Butternut squash soups and raviolis. Baking cookies and pies and the warmth and smell that waft from the oven through the house. Eating hearty soups and stews with crusty, French bread. All your favorite TV shows with new episodes. Putting the heavy comforter on the bed to sleep at night. Waking up to watch the sun rise. Seeing your breath in the chilly, foggy, morning air. When it’s dreary and rainy, but the water drips off the luminescent leaves in a kind of beautiful melancholy. The frosty edges that form on your window pane and little beads of dew that gather on blades of grass at dawn. Going to the farmers’ market. Harnessing fresh, seasonal vegetables. Sipping hot tea from your favorite mug. Outside in the crisp outdoors. A blanket wrapped around you. Candles that make everything smell like an autumnal wonderland. Holiday specials like It’s The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown or Garfield’s Thanksgiving. The splendor of fall fashion. Tailored, glamorous peacoats. Ankle and knee boots. Hats. Scarves. Skirts with tights. Multi-colored, fuzzy socks with crazy patterns that keep your toes toasty. Sweata’ weatha.’ Great hair days because there is less humidity. Decorating your home with baby gourds, fake leaves, wreaths, cornucopias, and silly scarecrows. Getting lost in corn maizes. Hay rides. Picking out the perfect pumpkin. An amazing, pumpkin carving idea. The squish of guts and seeds between your fingers. The big reveal. Turning out the lights to seeing your glowing jack o’ lantern. Halloween. A clever costume. Donuts and hot cider. Apple picking. Thanksgiving. The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Helping mom. Preparing the family meal. Setting the table with the good china and long, taper candles and fall flowers like mums. Awkward silences at the dinner table where all you hear is the clanking of silverware. Fighting over who gets to break the wishbone. Food comas and leftover turkey sandwiches.



Jillian Leedy

Business Development Coordinator, Marketing Manager, and Technical Writer. Freelance Writer and Photographer. Philanthropist. Adventurer.